Thursday, December 21, 2006


Ok, I know you guys are all wondering, "What the F is going on up there in Colorado??" Absolute madness. Here are a series of stories for you.

First story. I was supposed to fly home yesterday and DIA shut down. All flights were cancelled. I spent the entire morning trying to get through to United. The automated reservation line would come on, but when I tried to actually talk to someone, it would just go to a busy signal or say, "doo daa dee! We're sorry, your call cannot go through. Please hang up and try again." This was really frustrating because I needed to change my flight. So then I decided to call where I got my ticket. I was on hold for...count it... an hour and a half!! I gave up on them. I kept trying to call united to no avail. Then I got the bright idea to call the website support phone line thinking I could get through. After 30 minutes of being on hold, a guy who spoke poor english kept repeating himself like a broken record that he would transfer me to the reservations line. I tried to tell him it wasn't working, but he just kept going and then transferred me, and of course it didn't work. I quit for an hour. Then, I called united again in the afternoon and got through enough to where they put me on hold for 30 minutes. The guy on the other side of the line told me that the absolute earliest flight he could give me was Xmas night. I took it, but was not happy. My plan was to try and fly standby, but after talking to my parents, I decided it was a bad idea. I checked on for new flights leaving Saturday since everything previous to that was sold out. I found a Frontier flight for the same price as my United. So I called United back, and was put on hold for 30 minutes again, cancelled my United flight, and bought the Frontier flight. My friend Jack can take my bike one way, and I have to suck it up and pay 50 bucks to bring my bike back the other way. Solid!

Today, my friends are suffering like I was yesterday and calling me for advice. I guess it's really bad at this point(no flights went out today either). I have been hearing that there are no flights on or before xmas. One guy is DRIVING to Kansas City, MI which is 8 hours away, and driving out of there. My other friend got a flight to Seattle and is driving 5 hours from there. Gotta get home for Xmas! Good luck everyone... it's going to be scary at the airport on Saturday. Gotta love it.

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