Monday, September 24, 2007

Lots going on

Sorry it's been so long since you've heard from me! Lots going on, but little to talk about. I have been enjoying the fall weather and the changing of the aspens. After a one month hiatus of regular riding (other than commuting), I am doing a build phase on the bike to get me to the winter months. This winter is supposed to be WORSE than last winter according to the Farmer's Almanac. I can't imagine a worse winter, but hopefully the last one broke me in a bit. Guess I need snow tires so I can train...or just get used to sitting on the trainer. ugh. Anyway, I'm going to push my body pretty hard for about a month and then get ready to do some base in december. yaaay. I'm rejuvenated from my post-race season burn-out and am excited to race again. Maybe if I can get my hands on a cross bike for super cheap or to borrow, I'll get out there...or maybe I'll just get shelled in the race riding my hardtail. :)

Here are some photos from beautiful Colorado last week. It has been magical here.

Sunset the other day...view from my back gate.

Happy Bday to my beautiful friend Anne this weekend. Brian and I went out to dinner too and I felt like dressing up. :) I got a lot of compliments on this dress, guess I should wear it more...

These pics are from mtb ride 1 this weekend (Saturday) in Nederland. I went back on Sunday, but didn't bring my camera.

How's your ASpen? ;) hahahaha

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That dress DOES look good on you! I'm a newbie to your blog but likin' it. Laters!