Sunday, July 30, 2006

Tough Girl WINS 24 Hour National Championships

Our Tough Girl National team- Lisa Matlock, Sonya Looney, Lynn Bush, and Janis Sandlin brought home the stars and bars jersey for the 4 person women's category at the 24 Hour National Championship at Nine Mile. Big congrats to my teammates. Great job to Lisa Matlock for pulling in the fastest women's lap time. Thanks for riding hard, having great attitudes throughout the race, and being TOUGH!

Congratulations to Nat Ross for pulling a second place in the men's solo category. You don't get much tougher than that.

...I will be adding more photos and adding a lot of detail about how the race went later!!!

The very popular van.

The start... lotsa people

Lisa warming up...also Nat in the background warming up. Get ready to rumble.

Uhhh...yeah. We had the hottest team. :)

The best part of 24 hour racing is you can eat all the crap you want. Those would be powdered donut gems. MMMMM. They were good too.

My watch said 2:30 AM. SWEEEET!

The set-up. I should have taken a picture of it after we got hammered with a storm.

Nat pitting....getting handed chicken fingers to put in his jersey pocket

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Hope to see you and Adam at some of the NM races later in the summer.