Sunday, November 18, 2007

Greetings from 500 miles south!

Yep! Jack and I drove back to Albuquerque today. It feels great to be home is all I can say. Although I love Boulder, it's always so wonderful to have a home base and come back to the city and house that I spent most of life growing up in. Plus, most of my family is here. I miss them!!

Jack and I had a fun drive. He makes me laugh more than almost anyone...probably because we make fun of NM stuff that no one else really gets. Other stuff too. My arms were going numb while driving because I was laughing so hard. I was probably swerving all over the road too, but that is not an uncommon site in NM. ;) His sister, Nina, is one of my really good friends too. With bike racing and travel to and from NM, I feel like an honorary member of the Baum family. :)

I am still doing some work for Sunflower while home, one of the many perks of my job so I can still make some cash and be here. 10K on Thanksgiving-- should be interesting since my ankles are still killing me from the half marathon. I intend to hit up my favorite trails too. I love my old stomping grounds. Till next time!

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