Sunday, February 11, 2007

skiing at breck

I am enjoying the snow too. I had never been to Breck to ski before, so when my friend Dylan mentioned it, I was ready and raring to go. It's funny, I've been to all these ski areas, but for bike races in the middle of the summer. It's kind of weird to see these places covered with snow.

I just took a few pics, but it was a blast. I think I finally learned how to ski aggressively instead of being super cautious. Dylan even forced me to go down some double blacks. Were were going up the lift to the highest peak (seen below, at 12,800 ft). I said, "These are blacks, right?" And Dylan said, "nope, they are double blacks." "DOUBLE BLACKS!! I CAN'T DO THAT!" I had to, but it really wasn't too bad. In fact, it was so fun, that we went down it like 5 more times!

Dylan. That's high up!

More views from up high.

I get to go skiing three more times this year! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

those pictures are freakin awesome. i wish i knew how to ski (well, actually i wish i knew how to stop when skiing, i can move just fine), so i could go up there! melt snow melt so i can hike again. grrrr. -dizzle